To start off I just want to say how grateful and blessed I feel to be serving on Temple Square. Right by the House of God where the spirit is present and you can feel the love that God has for all of His children every single day. With serving here comes a couple of different perks like.......Thanksgiving Day Meals!!! Because the Square closed at noon all of the Sisters got to go to a different member's house and eat Thanksgiving with them. In a real home with an actual family and Members!!!! (This is a stark contrast from the lounge where we microwave our food
I don't know what my companion and I did in the past life but it must've been good because we got to go to President Harman's home (he is a counselor to our mission President) all the way in Park City. It was like walking through a Pinterest board. His home was so cute and amazing! (soda machine in the cowboy themed basement) and we got to meet his daughter and her husband and two kids. Smoked turkey, home made apple pie, and of course SWEET POTATOES! At the end of the night my heart was so full and so grateful that we were able to spend that time with such an amazing family (and they let us take some food home which made today that much better :)
With the coming of Christmas come the change in our schedules (hence why my email is a little later in the day). We now wake up at 7:15 am and go to sleep at.... 11:45 pm..... you heard it 11:45. The square is open an extra hour and we get to be on it! Singing, and sharing the message of Jesus Christ. He truly is the reason we celebrate Christmas, the reason to be thankful on Thanksgiving, and the whole reason why we were able to come to this Earth.
I am so grateful, He blesses and loves us so much.
The work continues to progress as we share the message that Christ lives and continues to guide this wonderful Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know with all my heart that this is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and that there is only one path that leads to eternal happiness. We are all given the opportunity we just need to search for it.
Love you all so much and hope that your Thanksgiving was filled with joy and gratitude for all we have been given.
This is one of my favorite talks that is just perfect for Thanksgiving. We were able to share the story at the end with The Harman Family and hope you all enjoy it as well.
Sky is Blue
Church is true
With lots of love
Sister Melissa Eging
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